Wednesday, 12 March 2014

When does the Iron-Spider costume debut?

The Iron Spider Armor was debuted in Amazing Spiderman issue #529, given to Peter Parker by Tony Stark after he was resurrected from a battle to the death with Morlun. Since it was made by Tony Stark, it has obviously been influenced Stark’s trademark color scheme. Unfortunately, Peter quickly abandoned this armor when he decided to leave Iron Man’s pro-Registration unit and join the anti-Registration lead by Captain America during the Civil War. Later on Iron Man went on to upgrade the Iron Spider and give it to the members of the Scarlet Spiders, which is a group of superheroes that were assigned the job of supplanting Spiderman after he lost his powers. There is only one person currently wearing the Iron Spider armor and that is Patrick, the only member left of the Scarlet Spiders.

(Iron Spider Armor - Marvel Comics Database. (n.d.). Retrieved from )

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